How To Improve Self Confidence In Children

As a parent, one of the most important things you can learn is how to improve self-confidence in your kids. You want them to be sure of themselves, and not worried about what others think of them. It’s tough when there are so many distractions and obstacles that society put out there t make this even harder to manage. These tips will help you to make sure your children have great self-confidence, no matter what the world throws at them.

Don't miss our tips for How To Improve Self Confidence In Children! It's so important as a parent to build our kids self-esteem and confidence!

How To Improve Self Confidence In Children

Encourage their strengths. Instead of focusing on the things they don’t do right, focus on their strengths. Whether it is a hobby, educational, or just their great attitude about things it is important to always encourage the things that they excel at and enjoy the most. This could mean simply saying congratulations, or it could be investing in their passions by paying for classes or supplies to help them learn more and grow.

Say kind words to them. There are tons of ways to learn how to improve self-confidence in your children, but your words will go farther than anything else. Use kind words every day to describe them, encourage them, and mostly make sure they are seeing how amazing they are and feeling confident. Add notes to their lunchbox. Send them a text message letting them know you are proud of them, or simply tuck them into bed at night letting them know you love them and praising an accomplishment they made.

Acknowledge their successes publicly. When they do a good job or meet a goal, make sure you acknowledge it publicly. This could be saying something at the dinner table, or it could be tagging them on social media. Let them see you aren’t just saying it to them, but letting others know how proud of them you are.

Support them when they have a tough day. Sometimes others will pick on them, or maybe they will just have a tough day. It’s really important to not dismiss their feelings. Make sure you support them and offer a listening ear if they need it. Don’t push conversation, but let them come to you and know they have a listening ear and no judgment.

I also recommend investing in some books to help your kids, and you, learn to stick up for each other more.  From learning about how to show your unique child love, to helping them through anxiety, these are some of our favorite books.

You want your children to always have great self-esteem, but it can be tough to know how to improve self-confidence in children when society so often gives our kids unreasonable expectations. A few little things each day can really make a big difference in how they view themselves and that results in a better self-confidence.

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